828-359-7030 oia@ebci-nsn.gov

EBCI Hotline

Address your concerns about workplace issues anonymously with the EBCI Hotline. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All reports can be anonymous so you can help maintain an ethical workplace without the fear of retaliation. If you witness questionable behavior in the workplace, report it.

Make the Call … We’ll Answer

  • All reports can be anonymous
  • An independent third party, Navex Global, administers the hotline on behalf of the EBCI.
  • When something is reported, it is forwarded to our office where the concerns are investigated or referred to another appropriate department for investigation.
  • The hotline system allows an individual to follow up to determine what actions have been taken.

Retaliatory Employment Discrimination (“Whistleblower”)

Cherokee Code § 96-4 through § 96-9 was enacted by Tribal Council to strengthen and improve protection for the rights of Tribal and Tribal Entity employees, to prevent reprisals, and to help eliminate wrongdoing with the Tribal Government.

Any covered employee who believes that he or she has been subject to prohibited discrimination found in Cherokee Code §96-5 may file a complaint with the Office of Internal Audit and Ethics within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the alleged discrimination.

Prohibited discrimination includes personnel action taken because of an employee’s or applicant’s disclosure of:

  • any violation of any law, rule, or regulation
  • gross mismanagement
  • gross waste of funds
  • abuse of authority
  • substantial and specific danger to public health or safety
  • compliance with a properly issued and served subpoena issued by the Tribal Council

To establish discrimination, a covered employee must demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the covered employee’s engagement in protected activity is substantial motivating factor for the adverse employment action.

To file a complaint complete the Whistleblower Complaint Form and submit to the Office of Internal Audit and Ethics or contact us by phone.


738 Acquoni Road
PO Box 455
Cherokee, NC 28719


828-359-7030 (Office)