828-359-7030 oia@ebci-nsn.gov

Audit and Ethics Committee

The Audit and Ethics Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee and the Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and approved by Tribal Council in accordance with Chapter 117, Article V of the Cherokee Code.

The Audit and Ethics Committee assists the Office of Internal Audit and Ethics in monitoring:


  1. The integrity of the financial statements of the Tribe
  2. The independent auditor’s qualifications, independence, and performance
  3. The performance of the Tribe’s internal audit function
  4. The compliance of the Tribe with legal and regulatory requirements
  5. Adequate systems of internal controls operate within the Tribal government

The primary mission of the Audit and Ethics Committee is to assist the Tribal government in fulfilling its financial and control responsibilities to ensure the safeguarding of Tribal assets by reviewing the reports issued by the Office of Internal Audit, which will be provided to management, and the systems of internal controls established by management.

The Audit and Ethics Committee, comprised of five voting* members and four non-voting members, meets at least quarterly.

Audit & Ethics Committee Members

  • Lori Lambert* | Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority | Chair
  • Melissa Smith* | Component Unit or Tribal Enterprise Representative
  • James “Butch Sanders* | Community Representative
  • Monique A. Taylor* | Industry Representative
  • Bruce Kingshill* | Independent CPA
  • Susie Wolfe | Department of Treasury
  • Michael McConnell | Attorney General
  • Vacant| Legislative Counsel
  • Baker Tilly | External Auditing Firm
  • Vacant| Office of Internal Audit and Ethics | Secretary & Treasurer

*Voting Members

Ethics Review Committee

The Ethics Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Audit & Ethics Committee. An Ethics Advocate from each community was selected to serve on the Committee. The Ethics Review Committee assists the Ethics Program by:


  1. Assisting in the development and implementation of key ethics and compliance initiatives
  2. Evaluating resources needed to carry out Ethics Program objectives and making recommendations to the Audit and Ethics Committee as needed
  3. Reviewing and approving policies and procedures for the Ethics Program
  4. Reviewing potential ethics and compliance issues and their resolution
  5. Reviewing and acting on complaints
  6. Reviewing results of investigations and presenting findings of facts to the Audit and Ethics Committee for final decision


  • Tasheena Parker | Office of Internal Audit and Ethics | Chair
  • Karen French-Browning | Big Cove Ethics Advocate
  • Shirley Brady | Birdtown Ethics Advocate
  • Reva Ballew | Painttown Ethics Advocate
  • Vacant | Snowbird/Cherokee County Ethics Advocate
  • Marisa Cabe | Wolftown Ethics Advocate
  • Doris Johnson | Yellowhill Ethics Advocate

Meeting Schedule

Audit & Ethics Committee

July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023 meeting information.

October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023 meeting information.

January 16, 2024

January 16, 2024 meeting information.

April 16, 2024

April 16, 2024 meeting information.

Ethics Review Committee



738 Acquoni Road
PO Box 455
Cherokee, NC 28719


828-359-7030 (Office)